

Here are all (and only) saved Youtube videos on my phone. These fitness videos help me survive Covid and they are in my opinion also the most effective and time efficient.

The Forever Smoothie System™The Forever Smoothie System™

Left: This push up challenge is only 30 pushups that you can do in just 3 minutes, but is much harder than it looks. In fact, if you can fully finish it, you are already on another level. Right: Squats challenge using the same song.

Left: More leg workouts. No equipment needed that you can do at home in 6 minutes. Right: Same concept now for abs. Just need your own body weight and about 5 minutes. You can do this anywhere.

Next two are pull up workouts. You’ll need to find a pull up bar so it’s not as accessible, but pull-ups are amazing at working out your entire upper body and abs.

Two long format cardio workouts. They are both really good, but be prepared to be totally out of breath doing it. He also has other levels on his channel if you want to start with more modest levels.

The next two are strength training with a slower pace (anaerobic instead of aerobic). Again, all these can be done using just your body weight.

Yoga Nidra is a form of guided nap except you don’t even need to fall asleep to feel the full restorative benefits. Highly recommend this even above a full nap or meditation.

Bonus: me playing frisbee at Stanford when I was young(er).


Daily salad recipe. Throw it all in your preferred proportions and mix well:

  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Avocado
  • Tomatoes
  • Sliced Almonds
  • Cheese
  • Olive Oil
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Salt

Add any other natural spices if you want to make this salad interesting. Most spices are 0 calories.