
Li Jiang

Li Jiang has founded a logistic startup during college with the highest revenue. During his six years at GSV Capital, Li organized Pioneer Summit and Global Education Summit with 1,500 attendees including Bill Campbell and Barack Obama.

Li holds an economics degree from Northwestern University. He is an adjunct professor at Northwestern's Farley Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Li trains on ultimate frisbee daily and owns an amateur team that won nationally in 2017.

Upcoming Plans

  • Monthly Deliverables: 2021 Oct
    • Showcase: organize 100 person Harmony ecosystem event in Lisbon.
    • Launch: plan campaigns with Curve and partners for BTC Bridge.
    • Expand: engage broader communities of builders in SF, NY, EU.
  • Quarterly Milestones: 2021 Q4
    • Plan: launch campaign with Aave after Chainlink on mainnet.
    • Engage: set up 12 DAOs for hackathon tracks to support hackathon project growth.
    • Scale: onboard core team and scale fellows and contributors.
  • Yearly Planning: 2022 Q1 - Q3
    • Present: host events with full Harmony ecosystem presence at EthDenver, DevCon, EthCC.
    • Partner: launch and grow with top 25 EVM partners; curate investors and resources for Harmony dApp developers.
    • Decentralize: team ops and grow a self sustaining ecosystem with independent product teams and DAOs.

Past 6-Month Achievements

  • Grow Harmony ecosystem via product launches on mainnet with Sushi, Curve, Stake DAO.
  • Launch ecosystem fund and shape open grants process.
  • Host community and grow partners in San Francisco, Denver, New York, Lisbon.


  • Host community conference in Lisbon with DAOist, Yap Global, Stake DAO, Pods Finance, Ramp


  • Work on deeper partnerships with: dorahacks, transak 1wallet integration, wyre hackathon, abag (advanced blockchain ag), momentum
  • Close out 2020 taxes and q3 2021 accounting
  • Create "investors" section in our forum and emailing/calls with Ellipti, MCN
  • Recruit 10 speakers for full day timeless harmony lisbon event page: harmony.one/lisbon
  • Follow up with 20 partners from EthCC, Denver, Messari Mainnet


  • week: plan event with timeless in lisbon, help team write 6-week focus and updates on notion
  • month: onboard abhi and evolve team coordination to remove myself as spof (single point of failure)
  • quarter: plan launch campaigns with curve and aave, launch quadratic funding campaign with (dorahacks)
Fitness & Education💪Fitness